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4 Weeks of Workouts

Whether you're looking to spice up your workout routine or just getting started, these 4 Full-Body workouts will have you sweaty and pumped with endorphins.

If you have any questions, email me at

Week 1= Playing Card Workout 

Here are the rules of the game! Split your card deck to only include cards 8-Ace. Include the 2 joker cards, if you don't have any select 2 random numbers below 8 to act in their place. 

Shuffle cards and turn them over so they're face down. Then pick 1 card then do that exercise before picking another card. The exercise is correlated to the number, the reps are dictated by the suit (see below for specifics). 


The jokers act as a get out of jail free card. If you pick one you get to hold onto it and use it towards an exercise you don't want to do. 



8= Skip Ups

9= Bent Over Row 
10= Starfish Abs
J= Resisted Lateral Plank Walk 
Q= 4 Corner Plank

K= Lunge Jumps
A= Butt Up + Reverse Crunch

HEARTS=5 reps
DIAMONDS=10 reps
SPADES=15 reps
CLUBS=20 reps

Workout Key

8= Skip Ups

10= Starfish Abs

Q= 4 Corner Plank 

9= Bent Over Row

J= Resisted Lateral Plank Walk

K= Lunge Jumps

A= Butt Up + Reverse Crunch

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