For any business to thrive the environment will always play a huge factor. Not just the work space or the people you work with, but what the business values and how people communicate around their work. A healthy culture is foundational for any business to grow.
Creating a work culture that encourages and implements wellness takes action. It's not just about having a safety net for when things get tough. It's about investing in yourself and your people to prevent the downfall that accompany hard times.
Why not have a little fun and team building along the way? Which is why I've partnered with Albert Donaldson of Golf Way Club to create a unique and special twist to mental wellness. Information isn't enough, but with the fun addition of golf you can apply these mindset principles to enhance your employees confidence, communication and efficiency.

Inner Skills For Outer Success
This 4 week course will have your employees do a deep dive to understand their mindset and where the unforeseen limits might be. Each week will highlight a new challenge people face in everyday life and teach them tools for how to shift their mindset and be the authority of their mind.
You can expect your employees to leave the course with improved communication, clarity around their values, greater resilience, strengthened self-esteem and confidence, and prepared to level up in their career.
Hit The Range
How does an afternoon at the golf range sound? What if you pair it with a wellness component to enhance your culture...
Enjoy snacks and beverages as Laura educates you and your team on core topics that affect the culture and success of businesses.
But that's not all....information isn't enough to cause change, which is why this interactive speech is combined with active application at the golf range. Enjoy the range while being guided on how to think apply the mindset principles to each swing. With the added bonus of a golf pro to spice up your swing

Score Your Wellness
9 holes of golf to improve my wellness and strengthen our community, yes please. However, your scorecard won't be your standard scorecard and your game won't be your normal game. For each hole represents a different mindset challenge.
Your scorecard, which is really a workbook, you will be given a specific mindset principle to explore. Within the game you'll learn about what's holding you back and be given tools for how to overcome those obstacles on the green or in the office.